The History of Laser Cutting Machine

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Laser cutting is extremely common in many sectors. It is widely used in manufacturing plants as well as laser-based surgery; moreover it even plays a role in art. However, the process of cutting with laser beam remains a relatively new technology compared with traditional cutting technique.

First we will be talking about “machining”, a term that describes the material removal process. Widely used machining process refers to turning, boring, drilling, milling, broaching, sawing, shaping, planning, reaming, and tapping.

On the other hand, laser is capable of performing such processes as engraving, marking and drilling.  The first workable laser cutter dates back to 1960s, while it was described as “problem-lacking” solution for it did not have too much use at that time. However, it not take long for the science and manufacturing community to discover the first practical uses for laser beam. In this regard, the cutting process emerged, which saw several laser cutting innovations. The CO2 laser-based cutting was adopted at Bell Labs by an electrical engineer named Kumar Patel. The same year crystal laser practice was put into use.

Soon after its first uses in diamond industry, gas laser cutting machine was adopted on a much larger scale in 1967. By the time laser cutting has made its way into the aerospace industry, gas laser cutting machine was invented, which can cut through a lot material, metal included. Then in the 1980s, worldwide it was estimated that roughly 20000 laser cutting machine has been installed in various industry. There has come a new Laser Material Processing Era.

CO2 laser-based cutting was the most popular form of cutting before Fibre Laser Cutting was invented in 2008. Due to its high efficiency and stability, now it is generally accepted as the best cutting practice by electronics, semiconductor, automotive and medical industries.


Beside, laser themselves are being used in everything ranging from supermarket checkout to national telephone line system.


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