Precautions for Industrial Welding Manipulator

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Welding manipulators are readily available in the market. Before purchasing it, you have to check out the wide range of the manipulators provided by diverse manufacturers. After that, it would be easy for you to pick the right manipulator. Not just that, you should check the welding manipulator for sale offered by the well-known brands.

Precautions for Industrial Welding Manipulator

China welding manipulator selects argon-enriched gas maintenance welding. The welding defects presented during welding generally include welding deviation, undercuts, and air holes. The specific analysis is as follows:

1) Welding deviation may be caused by incorrect welding orientation or welding torch. At this time, it is necessary to consider whether the TCP (orientation of the center point of the welding gun) is accurate and adjust it. Assume that this situation frequently appears, you need to check the zero orientation of each axis of the robot, and correct it by zeroing from the beginning.

2) The undercut may indicate that the welding parameters are not properly selected. The viewpoint of the welding torch industrial welding manipulator or the welding torch is incorrect. You can adjust the size of the power to modify the welding parameters, adjust the attitude of the welding torch and the relative orientation of the welding torch and the workpiece.

3) The air holes may be poor in gas maintenance, or the primer of the workpiece is too thick. Else, the maintenance gas is not boring. You can handle it by adjusting accordingly.

4) Excessive spattering may result in the incorrect selection of welding parameters, gas composition reasons, or excessive external wire elongation. You can adjust the size of the power appropriately to modify the welding parameters. You can dispatch a gas ratio meter to adjust the mixed gas share and adjust the welding gun. You can also go for the relative orientation to the workpiece.

An arc crater is formed at the end of the weld after cooling. The submerged arc pit function is added in the operation step during programming, and the welding manipulator can fill it up.

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Common disadvantages of welding manipulators and their solutions

It does not matter what type of China welding manipulator you purchase; the problems will remain the same. However, you can overcome these disadvantages quite easily if you follow the solutions properly. At present, we are going to explain the cons, along with their solutions. Have a look:

1. A collision occurred. It might be due to an error in the assembly of the workpiece or inaccurate TCP of the welding gun. You can check the condition of the equipment or correct the welding gun TCP.

2. The shortcomings of the arc are exhibited. The arc cannot be initiated. It may be because the welding wire is not connected. The robot touches the workpiece, or the process parameters are too small. You can manually feed the wire. Also, you can adjust the interval between the welding torch and the welding seam, and maybe schedule the process parameters properly.

3. Maintenance gas monitoring alarm. Defective cooling water or maintenance gas supply. Check the cooling water or maintenance gas line.


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