How to maintain the cantilever welding machine ?

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Nowadays, the cantilever beam welding machine is used more and more frequently, and its role in the manufacturing industry is becoming more and more significant. It has become an indispensable important equipment in the manufacturing industry, and it is classified as a welding auxiliary machine in the welding field. People often have some welding deformation during welding, how can we reduce welding deformation? Let's take a closer look.


Firstly, do not over-weld. The more metal is filled in the welding point, the larger the deformation force will be. Properly formulating the size of the welding seam can not only obtain smaller welding deformation, but also save welding materials and time. The amount of welding metal to fill the weld should be very small, the weld should be flat or slightly convex, excessive welding metal will not increase strength.


On the contrary, it will increase the shrinkage force and increase the welding deformation. Generally, when welding deformation is not a "problem", it is more economical to choose a conventional welding joint; when the amount of deformation is large, the joint form should be selected to balance the welding stress and the welding metal filling amount.

cantilever beam welding machine 

Secondly, another way to reduce the amount of weld fill in cantilever beam welding machine is to use intermittent welding. For example, when welding reinforced plates, intermittent welding can reduce the filling amount of the weld by 75%, and at the same time, it can ensure the required strength.


Reducing the weld bead using thick wire and less bead welding has less deformation than using fine wire and multiple bead welding. With multiple weld passes, the shrinkage caused by each weld pass increases the total shrinkage of the weld. The welding process with fewer bead and coarse electrode is better than the welding process with multiple bead and thin electrode.


Thirdly, as one of the cantilever welding machine suppliers, we use H-beam production line and remind everyone: the use of thick wire, less bead welding or thin wire, multi-pass welding process depends on the material, generally low carbon steel, 16Mn and other materials are suitable for thick wire, less bead welding, stainless steel, High carbon steel and other materials are suitable for thin wire and multi-pass welding.


The welding seam is set on the neutralization shaft to provide a small lever effect so that the contraction force pulls the steel plate outward and plays an adjustment role, making the welding deformation very small. The design and welding sequence of the welding positioner can effectively control the welding deformation.



That’s the basic introduction of  how to maintain the cantilever welding machine. If you encounter any problems about anything, please feel free to send us inquiry and we will do our best to assist you to solve the issue.



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