How Much is A Laser Cutting Machine

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To many buyers, price of fibre optic laser cutting machine has been a great concern. How much is it?  As a professional medium power optical fibre laser cutting machine manufacturer Fengwei CNC Machinery is to provide valuable information about the optical fibre laser cutter machine. The cost analysis, which I hope would help you.

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Metal processing

Why optical fibre laser cutting machine? Fibre optic laser cutter machine is no longer rare amid the development of laser technology. As many readers probably have seen, global Industry demand is booming. For example, companies from metal processing favour optical fibre laser cutter. When it comes to metal processing, first thing you would like to consider is the material. Stainless steel is a lot different from carbon steel. Metal thickness is another concern, laser mixer works quite well on sheet thickness less than 3mm. As for plates with higher thickness, fibre optic laser cutter would be a good choice.

What are the advantages? Traditional stainless steel cutting machine is expensive with greater wear loss of high precision work-piece, and as an alternative, optical fibre laser cutting machine features malleability, continuous processing, good stability, therefore low maintenance cost. That is why it is especially suitable for precision cutting of metal plates below 3mm.

In terms of sheet metal components, 500W fibre laser cutting machine can be used for sheet metal less than 5mm and the cutting speed of 2mm carbon steel tops at 5-6 meters per minute, which equivalent to the efficiency of 2000W CARBON dioxide laser cutting machine.

As for production costs, optical fibre laser cutting machine price may not be economic friendly due to relatively high cost of the core components. However, equipment with poor market branding is not highly recommended. There are some extremely important accessories to consider. For example think about the spare parts quality, which directly determines the processing efficiency. Above all it is not single equipment we are dealing with, instead a full logistic chain.

The operating cost after the purchase of equipment should also be considered. In terms of equipment operating costs, the electro-optical conversion rate of optical fibre laser cutting machine is 3 times that of carbon dioxide cutter machine, and the power consumption is far lower than that of carbon dioxide laser cutting machine, which saves a lot for enterprises.

In general, due to its clear advantages, optical fibre laser cutting machine is widely used in metal industry, processing of obvious advantages. When it comes to equipment selection, buyers are highly recommended to take a strategically long-term view. I mean for your reference, the price of the laser equipment is important, but as long as the equipment benefits you in the long-run, it is clearly wise that we make decisions before we have fully integrated information about the value chain.

Having said this, equipment power and dimension are also essential for the price of a specific optical fire laser cutting you might just as well drop us a message, and we will reply you with more information!


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